Change your mind, can change your life

 By: Vijay Shrivas

 woke up this morning ready to write this, thinking, “This is exciting! I can tell people that they really can have it all – happiness, health, wealth, love, and an exciting drive for an incredible life.”

I’m living proof! Life really is great for me, and I’m really thankful that I’ve got so much.

Here I am, with a wonderful wife, a supportive family, feeling energetic and invincible, and with wealth that is growing day by day. Every day I feel a sense of purpose for myself, and I have the confidence and inspiration to really burst beyond any barrier that comes before me.

Over the last 5 years my life has really changed. Looking back on it, I really am proud of my achievements in getting where I am today. I have much more to accomplish, but I am already taking it on.

Yet life for me wasn’t always this great. Having struggled to graduate from university a few years earlier, I was working in a technical support job for the last 3 years and I hated it. I used to tell myself that I liked helping people and that’s why I took on this job. Initially that was true, but now hardly a day would go past when I wouldn’t be cursing my customers after every call. I had been turned down for every promotion, and my self-esteem was at an all time low. I was single, but everyone around me was in an awesome relationship with really fun people. In an attempt to make myself feel better, I would spend a lot of money on useless items that entertained me for a few days, but then the novelty wore off. Credit cards were becoming my savior when money ran out. While the credit cards were good, the bills weren’t, and I racked up massive debts on numerous credit cards. This was life – except I was not living, just merely existing.

At that time I decided that I would become a psychic. I’d always had an interest in the mystical, and I knew that I would still be able to help people out. As if I was undertaking some noble cause, I felt that in helping people be happy, I would be happy. So I found myself a famous psychic who agreed to teach me the mystical arts one-on-one. After my training and a lot of practice, I became a part-time psychic helping people clear the cobwebs of confusion, and giving them direction. While I liked giving people advice, it really made things worse for me. Here I was telling them how they could have awesome lives, but my life was far from awesome! How hypocritical! I decided that I would take a self-development course to get a sense of direction of what I wanted in my life. The good thing about this course was that I got a temporary boost to my self-confidence, but it didn’t last. CDs, books, seminars, and courses didn’t have any sustained affect on me either.

One day I was expressing my frustration at life to a friend of mine, and she suggested that I take a vacation. “Break away from the routine and just do nothing,” she told me. My first reaction was, “Uh, no. How do I explain to people that I’m going away to do nothing?” But then I thought, “Hey, just do it. I’ve done seminars and listened to CDs, surely I’ve learned about doing something for myself and not worrying about what other people think! Besides, it might be fun!” And so I did it. I came off my shift at work, went straight to the airport, and took a vacation on an island off the south-coast of Australia. I literally did nothing! If you’ve never done this before, I highly recommend it!

During this period of doing nothing, I did do a lot of soul searching. I got to think about the good things I wanted for my life, and I decided that I’d had enough of the sorrow and misery. On the flight home I decided that if I wanted change, I had to take the first step. I went to work and tendered my resignation. I had no job to go to, but I still wanted to work somewhere where I could help people, as I actually did enjoy helping them out. The next week I ended up getting work with the government, assisting people with their difficult situations.

My vacation thinking gained momentum, and I realized that I needed to keep focusing on me if I wanted to be happy, find a loving relationship, and wanted to be wealthy.

A couple of months later I got introduced to a lovely young lady and before I knew it we were in a beautiful relationship. Romeo and Juliet had nothing on us! A year later we got married and started our life together.

After my wedding, I decided to leave my government job and went to work in the recruitment industry so that I could learn some new skills, yet I still had one thing on my mind – financial freedom. All my life, I had been resistant to money, but now I was ready to blast through my debts to create a life of abundance and prosperity. A promotion and relocation allowed me and my wife to spend the time together and carry out a plan for financial independence. In 18 months we eliminated all our credit card debt and built up a substantial amount of savings. I’d never been able to save that much money before! In addition, the application of a “success mindset” decreased my stress levels and proportionately increased my level of achieving much more, and a whole lot faster as well. I also started to focus on my health. Our efforts in eating well and exercising regularly pushed our energy levels up significantly. I was getting a sense of what life was really meant to be like – and it was beautiful. It was exciting! It was unbelievable!

Because my life had become so powerful, people around me started shining too. My desire to help people started taking form – for once I was inspiring other people! They wanted to be like me!

I knew that this was what I was meant to do – show people how they can have it all. To go from simply existing, to living a breathtaking life. Through a series of mentoring programs, seminars and courses, I help people get the life they crave.

Who doesn’t want to be happy and in a beautiful relationship? Who doesn’t want to be in control of their finances and be extremely healthy? Who doesn’t want to feel great, and be a positive influence on people around them?

You just need to look inside and start doing what you truly want. Once you start doing that, with a bit of persistence and support, your life will quickly become amazing and you will live your dreams, I promise you. If I can do it, so can you. And you will!


Vijay shrivas


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